ZESCO Limited has issued an expression of interst (EOI) seeking developers and/or financiers to develop of a 50 MWAC solar photovoltaic (PV) power project for plants located in the Southern, Western and Luapula Provinces of Zambia.
ZESCO, a public utility wholly owned by the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), is seeking a private partner for a Joint Venture (JV) under public-private partnership (PPP), with ZESCO having a shareholding between 10% to 90% in the venture.
The selected private partner will be responsible for the development of the solar plants; securing funding for the project; selecting EPC contractor through international Competitive bidding; land and infrastructure development; evacuation planning; operation and maintenance; and selling power generated from the plants.
The submission deadline is September 2, 2022. For more information, please visit our business opportunities page here.
Zanaco Bank Plc has received financing from the African Development Bank towards the cost of the capacity building as part of the Implementation Agreement under the Renewable Energy (RE) Financing Fra...
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