GET FiT Zambia to launch round 2 for 100 MW small hydro project

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The Zambian Ministry of Energy through the GET FiT Zambia secretariat has scheduled the round 2 of the GET FiT Zambia programme consisting of 100 MW hydropower project. The output is divided for at least 5 projects of 20 MW each. The GET FiT Zambia programme is being developed by Zambia's Ministry of Energy and the KfW. The German government commits €31 million ($38 million) to the programme.

The following is the timeline for the development:

  • 31 October 2018 - pre-tender launch event
  • 7 November 2018 - RFQ documentation issued
  • Mid - January 2019 - prequalified bids announced
  • Q1 2019 - hydro feasibility study rights issued to prequals
  • Q3 2019 - RFP window 1 
  • Q1 2020 - RFP window 2
  • Q3 2020 - RFP window 3 (if necessary)

GET FiT Zambia secretariat, grants from the German government and KfW will offer Viability Gap Funding to selected eligible projects. The winning bidders will sign a 25-year power purchase agreements with ZESCO, a power utility based in Zambia. Multiconsult served as the tender agent consulting with the GET FiT secretariat while the Trinity International served as the legal adviser to KfW.

There were 10 bidders that were shortlisted in June (2018) requested for RFPs. The RFP is due on 29 November. The 1st round of the scheme, 100 MW solar project, is still underway.

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