Enel inaugurates 34 MW solar project in Zambia

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Enel has begun operations at a 34 MWdc solar plant in the southern African nation of Zambia.

The Ngonye plant is set to generate 70 gigawatt hours every year once fully operational, and would help to prevent more than 25,600 tons of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere each year.

The project is part of the World Bank’s Scaling Solar program and aims to diversify Zambia’s electricity production sources and boost its solar-generation capacity.

The Ngonye facility is owned by a special purpose vehicle, of which Enel Green Power holds an 80% stake and Zambia’s Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has a 20% share.

The Enel Group had invested around US$40 million in the project’s construction, which has been part funded via a financing agreement signed with the IDC.

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