GET FiT Zambia awards six PV projects

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GET FiT Zambia has awarded six solar photovoltaic projects with the combined capacity of 120 MWac at the lowest bid of US$3.999/kWh and the weighted average of all six successful projects is US$4.41/kWh. 

GET FiT is an initiative of the Government of the Republic of Zambia that facilitates the private sector investment in small- and medium-scale Renewable Energy Independent Power Projects (IPPs) in the country. the programme is a partnership between the Department of Energy and the German Development Bank, KfW, and is implemented by the GET FiT Secretariat (staffed by Multiconsult).

The projects involved are:

  • Two Proposals of Joint Venture Building Energy & Pele Energy – Bulemu East & West – 20MW each at US$3.999/kWh
  • Two Proposals of Joint Venture Globeleq & Aurora Power Solutions – Aurora Sola One & Two – 20MW each at US$4.52/kWh
  • Two Proposals of Joint Venture of InnoVent & CEC – Garneton North & South Solar – 20MW each at US$4.80/kWh


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