EGE Haina to supply power from 120 MWp Sunflower plant to Falconbridge Dominicana

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The Haina Electricity Generating Company (EGE Haina) and Falconbridge Dominicana (Falcondo) have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for the energy produced in the 120 MWp Sunflower solar photovoltaic project in Yaguate in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic. 

The deal establishes that EGE Haina will supply Falcondo from its solar project that will be operational by January 2021 as an unregulated user of the National Interconnected Electrical System (SENI). 

The solar plant consists of about 300,000 modules that can generate up to 240 GWh of energy per year. The solar energy from the plant will replace part of the thermal energy used in the mining operation of Falcondo.

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