Falconbridge Dominicana (Falcondo)

Company description

Falconbridge Dominicana S.A. (Falcondo), owned by Americano Nickel Ltd, operates the Falcondo ferronickel mine in the Dominican Republic. Based in the city of Bonao, it began operations in 1955. After two interruptions to operations in the periods 2008-2011 and 2013-2016, the company resumed operations in September 2016. It is developing the 1,373ha Loma Miranda nickel expansion project. Americano Nickel, which acquired the company in 2015 from Swiss miner Glencore, is wholly owned by Bahamas-based investment fund Global Special Opportunities Ltd.

Other companies in Dominican Republic

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Projects Transactions
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Company updates

  • March 09, 2020

    EGE Haina to supply power from 120 MWp Sunflower plant to Falconbridge Dominicana

    The Haina Electricity Generating Company (EGE Haina) and Falconbridge Dominicana (Falcondo) have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for the energy produced in the 120 MWp Sunflower solar pho...

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