Terna commissions wind power transmission line in southern Brazil

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The new high-voltage power line extending 158 km in Rio Grande do Sul will enable full integration of large quantities of energy produced from renewable sources, in particular from wind sources, into the Brazilian national grid. Terna and the Italian Ambassador to Brazil unveiled the project during a ceremonial event held by the Italian Embassy in Brazil.

Terna, through its subsidiary Santa Maria Power Transmitter for its international activities, completed the construction works over the last few weeks and, following preliminary functionality tests, activated the new "Santa Maria 3 - Santo Angelo 2" 230 kV power line in the south -east of Brazil. The works have seen the involvement of 10 companies and a peak of 500 technicians working during the 12 months of construction. With over 80% of electricity produced from clean sources and wind production having increased by 20% in the last year.

Terna has paid particular attention to the construction of power lines: about 80% of the route has been constructed using single-stem pylons which offer reduced carbon footprint and environmental impact in comparison with traditional pylons.

The electricity line entered into operation two months early in respect of the date agreed with ANEEL (Brazilian National Electricity Agency), which in 2017 announced the international tender won by Terna for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of two infrastructures in Brazil. Terna's second concession, at 500 kV 350 km long power line in Mato Grosso (in central Brazil), is currently in the construction phase and will enter into service in the first half of 2019. The total value of the planned investments from Terna for both electricity lines equates to around € 160 million. 

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