Brazil's Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) has approved the purchase of PEC Energia SA to a 49% stakes in Eolica Serra das Vacas Holding SA from Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras (Eletrobras).
The company owns the wind farms: Serra das Vacas I (23.92 MW), Serra das Vacas II (22.92 MW), Serra das Vacas III (22.23 MW), and Serra das Vacas IV (22.92 MW) with a combined capacity of 90.74 MW. The facilities are part of the 180 MW Serra das Vacas Wind Complex located in Pernambuco state, Brazil.
The Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy has planned to conduct a roadshow to seek investors for the completion of the Angra 3 nuclear power plant. The MME should complete preparations for the circu...
Read moreEnel, through its Brazilian renewable energy subsidiary Enel Green Power Brasil Participações Ltda. (EGPB), has started construction of the 716 MW Lagoa dos Ventos wind farm, located in...
Read moreThe Government of Brazil has granted an environmental license authorizing the development of a 50 MW eucalyptus-based biomass power plant located in Tres Lagoas in the state of Mato Gro...
Read moreCanadian Solar has secured a 295 million Brazilian reais (US$80 million) financing from Banco do Nordeste S.A. (BNB) for its 114 MWp Salgueiro solar power project in the northeast state of Pernam...
Read moreThe SOWITEC group, through its subsidiary SOWITEC do Brazil, has completed the sale of its 200 MWac photovoltaic project in the state of Pernambuco to a major European power utility. ...
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