Sunshine Hydro, traditional owners sign MoU for superhybrid renewable energy project in Queensland

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Sunshine Hydro, Gidarjil Development Corporation, and Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Sunshine Hydro's Flavian Superhybrid project, a pumped hydro renewable energy facility located in Queensland, Australia.

Flavian Superhybrid is located near Miriam Vale within the Central Queensland Renewable Energy Zone. The project launch and MoU follow years of investment, R&D, and site appraisal to progress the inaugural Superhybrid project. 

The project plans to produce sustainable and reliable renewable energy by utilizing a closed loop ‘pumped hydro’ system to generate net renewable energy. Water is pumped to an elevated storage site using a renewable energy source. It will be released and power a hydroelectric facility to generate clean energy that will supply the grid.

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