Envision starts the commercial operation of 90 MW Energia Renovable de la Peninsula wind farm in Yucatan

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Envision Group has started the commercial operation of the 90 MW Energia Renovable de la  Peninsula Wind Farm project in Yucatan, Mexico. This project is jointly owned and developed by Envision Energy, Vive Energia, and Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA (ACS).

The project will supply over 300 GWh of electricity per year to the local grid, in compliance with the two Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) awarded in Mexico's first and second renewable energy auctions.

The Peninsula Wind Farm is powered by Envision's 2.5 MW onshore wind turbines, which have a hub height of 120 meters and a rotor diameter of 110 meters. The 36 installed turbines are ideally suited to maximize the region's wind resource with an enhanced cooling system and adapted to the region's extreme conditions in terms of temperature, salinity, and humidity.

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