EGP starts construction of Renaico II wind project in Araucanía

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Enel Green Power Chile, a subsidiary of Enel Chile, has started the construction work on its new Renaico II wind power plant in the commune of Renaico in the Araucanía Region. The new plant consists of two parks: Las Viñas with 58.5 MW and Puelche, with 85.5 MW, reaching a total installed capacity of 144 MW. 

With a total investment of US$177 million, Renaico II will encompass 32 wind turbines. Note that aerial generators with hub heights of 130 meters and blades of 75 meters will be used, all state-of-the-art equipment in terms of wind generation that allows greater efficiency in capturing the wind. 

In full operation, the plant will generate approximately 516 GWh annually, which equals the power supply of 230 thousand Chilean homes and, avoiding emitting 382,000 tons of CO2. 

The construction expects to take 12 months, with the employment of approximately 400 workers, reaching full production by June 2021.

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