EDP Energias do Brasil SA has concluded the development of a Brazilian photovoltaic (PV) plant.
The BRL30 million (US$7.8 million) facility, comprised of two solar farms, features 25,400 solar panels that spread over an area of around 240,000 sq m (2.58 million sq ft) in Minas Gerais.
The solar modules are expected to generate 17.5 GWh per annually, equivalent to the consumption of 9,700 homes.
Multiplan's VillageMall shopping centre in Rio de Janeiro will purchase all the proects's output.
Four years ahead of schedule, the 29.4 MW expansion to the Delfina wind farm located in Campo Formoso, municipality of Bahia, north-east Brazil, was connected to the grid. The Delfina wind f...
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Read moreCPFL Renovaveis has planned to invest BRL350 million (US$86 million) for the development of the Gameleira Wind Complex. The project involves the construction of 69.3 MW wind complex consists of 14 wi...
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