Celeo Redes Brasi, the joint venture of Spanish power company Elecnor SA and Dutch pension fund manager APG Asset Management NV, is set to commence the installation of the solar panels for its 233 MW Sao Joao do Piaui Solar Complex located in the state of Piaui, Brazil.
The joint venture will invest up to BRL747 million (US$192.6 million) in the project. The solar complex will consist of six solar farms. In April 2018, the developers have secured the power purchase agreement deal for the projects.
Omega Geração S.A. has concluded the acquisition of 100% outstanding shares of CEA – Centrais Eólicas Assuruá, owner of CEA I and CEA II, from Fundo de Investime...
Read moreCPFL Renovaveis has planned to invest BRL350 million (US$86 million) for the development of the Gameleira Wind Complex. The project involves the construction of 69.3 MW wind complex consists of 14 wi...
Read moreBrazil's Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) has approved, without restrictions, the acquisition of Alsol Energias Renovaveis SA by Energisa SA from Algar SA Empreendimentos e Participa...
Read moreEnel S.p.A., acting through its renewable subsidiary Enel Green Power Brasil Participações Ltda, has closed the sale of 100% of three fully operational renewable plants totaling 540 MW t...
Read moreGás Natural Açu (GNA), an SPV composed of Prumo Logistics, BP and Siemens, has reached financial close at the end of March on the development, construction, and operation of an...
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