EDP Renováveis has secured two 20-year contracts at an auction organized by the Colombian Government for the construction of wind farms. The contracts refer to the Alpha (212 MW) and Beta (280 MW) onshore wind projects, which are currently being developed by EDPR and have an expected commercial operation date in 2022.
The reliability auction was carried out within the framework of the reliability auction set to guarantee security of supply, with projects being remunerated for the stability to the electricity system, in addition to the electricity they produce. EDPR will now now seek to secure long term power purchase agreements with third parties to sell the electricity produced by both farms.
Colombia has opened a pre-qualification process to select a strategic partner to invest in and operate the country's power distribution company Electricaribe. The public service regulator S...
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Read moreCelsia Solar Bolivar began to deliver photovoltaic energy to the National Interconnected System of Colombia. This solar plant, of 8.06 MW, began to generate its first megawatts until reaching its maxi...
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