Innova Solar plans to build 74 kWp floating solar PV project in Caribbean islands of Colombia

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Innova Capital Partners, through its subsidiary in Colombia, Innova Solar Colombia, will develop and build the first floating solar project in the Caribbean islands, specifically on the island of Providencia, San Andrés, Colombia.

The project includes the installation of a 74 kWp floating solar photovoltaic system on the Fresh Water Bay dam, and it is estimated that with the energy generated by the system it will be possible to fully supply the electricity needs of the municipal aqueduct. The project will enter into commercial operation before the end of 2019.

Tillväxtverket, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth in the Demo Environment call, selected the project for a financing award. Once completed, the solar power plant will be transferred to the municipality of Providencia.

Ciel & Terre will be the technological partner in this initiative, supplying their HYDRELIO® technology.

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