Vestas to equip 50 MW wind project in northwest Spain

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Vestas has secured a major order for a 50 MW wind project in northwest Spain, placed by Sinia Renovables. Under the contract, Vestas will deliver 11 V136-4.5 MW wind turbines for the wind farm, along with a comprehensive 25-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement. The turbine delivery is scheduled to commence in  Q2 of 2024.

By preventing approximately 44,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, the project will play a vital role in reducing the region's carbon footprint. The emissions prevented are equivalent to removing 30,000 European passenger cars from the road each year.

While the specific name of the project remains undisclosed at this time, its impact on the local environment is expected to be substantial.

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