Queensland supports planned 1.2 GW wind farm in Wide Bay region

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The Government of Queensland is set to extend investment facilitation support to the planned 1.2 GW Forest Wind project that will be developed in the Wide Bay region. 

Forest Wind Holdings, a joint venture between Queensland-based renewables firm CleanSight and Siemens Financial Services, has proposed to locate up to 226 wind turbines across the sites to form the wind project valued at up to AUD2 billion (US$1.37 billion).

The plantations are owned and managed by HQPlantations on land under license from the state. 

The project has the potential to generate 1200 megawatts of renewable energy. Together with other wind energy projects in the state, this would represent 12 percent of Queensland’s installed generation capacity.

Forest Wind Holdings has received all relevant approvals with the construction of the wind farm to start as early as the fourth-quarter of 2020.

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