The UK Environment Agency (EA) has begun a 12-week public consultation on three environmental permits for the operation of the proposed GBP20 billion (US$23.8 billion) Sizewell C nuclear power station in Suffolk, United Kingdom. The consultation includes a public drop-in time where the people can speak with an expert from the Environment Agency.
In May 2020, NNB Generation Company Limited applied to EA for the permits. It covers the disposal and discharge of radioactive waste (radioactive substances activity permit), the use of diesel generators to run backup power systems (combustion activity permit), and the release of cooling water and liquid effluent into the North Sea (water discharge activity permit).
EDF and the UK government have indicated that they will each own 20% of the project which will be located next to two nuclear power plants: the pressurized water reactor (PWR) Sizewell B and the decommissioned Magnox Sizewell A. The draft permits, proposed decision documents, and other supporting documents can be read here where the people can also respond to the consultation.
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