SSE secures 220 MW CfD for 443 MW wind farm in Shetland

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SSE Renewables has secured a Contract for Difference (CfD) for 220 MW, half of the capacity of its wholly-owned Viking Energy Wind Farm project, at a strike price of GBP46.39/MWh (US$55/MWh) for the 2026/27 delivery year. The scheme is currently being constructed in Shetland.

For the low carbon electricity it is contracted to produce over a 15-year period, the project will be paid its guaranteed strike price, which is based on 2012 pricing but is indexed annually for CPI inflation. Securing a CfD for Viking stabilizes project revenue while providing price security for customers.

Viking is progressing through construction with over 50 percent of turbine foundation bases poured. By 2024, Viking Energy Wind Farm will be the UK’s most productive onshore wind farm in terms of annual electricity output.

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