NAIP acquires 51% stakes of CEC

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North American Infrastructure Partners (NAIP) announced the acquisition of 51% of Clean Energy Collective (CEC). NAIP is a private investment company specializing in high quality, infrastructure assets, while CEC is the USA leading developer of community solar solutions.

NAIP’s support will facilitate the more than doubling of CEC’s project development pace including the delivery of more than 260 MW of solar development over the next 24 months. It also brings significant capital and ongoing financial support to CEC, its development partners and business associates.

CEC plans to accelerate the organization’s growth across new and existing markets, with project development planned across multiple markets including Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, and Colorado. That development will result in the acquisition and management of thousands of new customers, bringing CEC’s total customers under management to over 11,000 commercial and residential subscribers.

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