MHI Vestas Offshore Wind to supply 100 turbines for Moray East

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Confirming the largest MW project to date in the company’s history, MHI Vestas will supply 100 V164-9.5 MW turbines for the 950 MW project to be installed in Scotland’s Moray Firth.

MHI Vestas celebrated financial close with Moray East for the 950 MW Moray East Offshore Wind Farm as the offshore wind turbine manufacturer signed a firm turbine supply order. The order includes a 15-year service agreement.

Moray Offshore Windfarm (East) Limited, known as Moray East, is a 950 MW offshore wind project 22km from the coast of Scotland, which in 2017 won a Contract for Difference (CfD) from the UK Government to supply electricity at £57.50/MWh, representing a significant cost reduction compared with similar projects under construction today (typically £140/MWh).

In May, Moray East announced Fraserburgh as the preferred Operations and Maintenance port for the project and last month, the Port of Cromarty Firth was selected as the pre-assembly harbour, sending a strong signal that the project is progressing on schedule.

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