EDF receives new consent for 450 MW wind farm in Scotland

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EDF Renewables UK has received consent from the Scottish Government for an improved design for the Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm.

The updated consent will allow the wind farm to be constructed using fewer, but higher capacity, turbines which will generate the same 450MW output of renewable energy – equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of around 375,000 Scottish homes.

The original consent for NnG, located in the Firth of Forth off the east coast of Scotland, was for a maximum of 75 turbines. The new design will feature a maximum of 54 turbines with a maximum of 208 metres tip height above sea level which means the project will use the latest advances in offshore wind technology.

The wind farm is expected to be operational by 2023 and the total investment required to deliver the project is around £1.8 billion. In line with EDF Group’s usual practice, the project will be open to other investors in due course.

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