Limejump to trade power output of 46 MW Crossdykes wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway

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Energy tech company, Limejump, has been awarded the contract to trade the power output of the first subsidy-free Scottish wind farm using next-generation wind turbines at Crossdykes Wind Farm in Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland.

The 46MW onshore wind farm, developed and owned by Muirhall Energy Limited and WWS Development LLP, is one of the first subsidy-free wind farms in the UK. Notably, Crossdykes is the first subsidy-free wind farm to enter the Grid Balancing Mechanism, and is the largest wind site to enter Limejump’s generation portfolio.

Limejump was the first utility off-taker (in August 2018) to enter battery storage units into the Grid’s Balancing Mechanism via its tech platform – giving battery operators and distribution connected generators a new revenue opportunity.

With Crossdykes, Limejump has used intelligent price management to offset risk via a “track & trade” Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). It has used market pricing information to ‘track’ the market and lock the price in at the optimum time. This methodology rewards sophisticated trading and flexibility with higher returns whilst managing the price fluctuation risk.

Limejump will also enter Crossdykes into the Capacity Market.

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