Falck signs 10.5 MW solar PPA with Illumia Trend

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Falck Renewables S.p.A. has signed a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between its subsidiary Falck Renewables Sicilia S.r.l. – owning a solar project under development in Sicily, Italy – and Illumia Trend.

The project (10.5 MW) is located in the province of Ragusa, Sicily, Italy. When in operation, the solar plant will generate up to 20 GWh/y of electricity, which is equivalent to the amount of energy necessary to supply around 7400 homes. Falck Renewables, through its subsidiary Falck Next Energy S.r.l, will also dispatch the solar plant, enabling a correct match between Illumia‘s required supply profile and the clean energy generated.

The contract, which has a long-term tenor, is characterized by an innovative pricing structure, allowing both companies to balance risks and strategic objectives.

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