Enel Green Power starts construction of 475 MW solar project in Brazil

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The Enel Group has announced that its Brazilian renewable energy subsidiary Enel Green Power Brasil Participações Ltda. (EGPB) has started construction of the 475 MW São Gonçalo solar park in São Gonçalo do Gurguéia, located in the northeastern state of Piauí.

São Gonçalo is the largest PV facility currently under construction in South America. The Enel Group will be investing around BRL1.4 billion, equivalent to approximately US$390 million, in the construction of the facility. Operations are expected to commence in 2020.

Once fully up and running, the plant will be able to generate over 1,200 GWh per year while avoiding the emission of over 600,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Out of São Gonçalo’s 475 MW of installed capacity, 388 MW were awarded to the Enel Group in Brazil’s A-4 public tender in December 2017 and are supported by 20-year power supply contracts with a pool of distribution companies operating in the country’s regulated market. The remaining 87 MW are expected to generate energy for the free market.

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