Enel Green Power starts construction of 29.4 MW expansion of Delfina wind farm in Brazil

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The Enel Group’s Brazilian renewable energy subsidiary Enel Green Power Brasil Participações Ltda. (EGPB) has started construction of the 29.4 MW expansion of the already operational 180 MW Delfina wind farm, which is located in the north-eastern state of Bahia.

EGPB will be investing over US$40 million in the expansion. It is expected to start operation in 2019, four years ahead of the deadline set by the rules of the 2017 A-6 public tender through which EGPB won the capacity. Once completed, the 29.4 MW expansion will be able to generate over 160 GWh per year, avoiding the annual emission of over 80,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

From 2019 to 2022, the energy generated from the expansion will be sold on the free market. As of 2023, the wind plant will be supported by 20-year power supply contracts, which provide for the sale of specified volumes of energy generated by the plant to a pool of distribution companies operating in the Brazilian regulated market.

The already operational 180 MW section of the Delfina wind farm, which entered into service last year, is capable of generating more than 800 GWh annually and is currently Enel’s largest wind farm in Brazil in terms of installed capacity and annual energy production.

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