Soltec has announced that it has been selected to supply 2,800 SF7 Single-Axis Trackers to an 82.5 MW solar project in Guimarânia, a municipality in Minas Gerais, south-east Brazil, in collaboration with project developer Canadian Solar, EPC company Biosar, and utility Global Power Generation (GPG).
Soltec’s trackers will mount nearly 250,000 PV modules to track the sun’s position in the sky for increased annual energy capture. The PV plant is currently under construction and scheduled to be operational by the end of December 2018.
At the same time, Soltec has also been selected by project developer Alsol Energias Renováveis to supply the SF7 self-powered horizontal single-axis trackers to a 5 MW PV project, which will be one of the largest distributed-generation solar power plants in Brazil.
Located in the municipality of Uberlândia, also in Minas Gerais state, it is slated to start operation this month.
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