Naturgy's 83 MW Brazilian solar PV project begins commercial operation

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GPG (Naturgy) starts the commercial operation of two new photovoltaic plants in Brazil.

Global Power Generation (GPG), an international generation subsidiary of Naturgy, has started the commercial exploitation of the Guimarânia I & II solar plants after seven months of construction.

The EUR95 million (US$108.8 million) project has a combined capacity of 82.5 MWp. The plants are located in a land area of ​​143 hectares in Minas Gerais, a state in south-east Brazil, and are estimated to produce 165 GW annually, enough to supply more than 80,000 homes and prevent the emission of almost 100,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. They consist of nearly 250,000 PV modules mounted on 2,800 SF7 Single-Axis Trackers.

These plants are associated with a power sale agreement (PPA) with CCEE (Câmara de Comercialização de Energía Elétrica) for 20 years, at an approximate price of EUR76 (US$87) per megawatt hour (MWh).

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