CWP proposes 800 MW solar-storage projects in Australia

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CWP Renewables, has outlined plans to develop two large-scale solar + storage projects in New South Wales, south-east Australia. 

The c. 600 MW Parkesbourne solar and storage project is proposed to be located on freehold land 15km north west of Goulburn. The area under investigation comprises of approximately 2,000 hectares of cleared, flat land east of Breadalbane

The 200 MW Glenellen solar and storage project is proposed to be located on freehold land 3.5km north east of Jindera, spanning 400 hectares of mostly cleared land in proximity to the existing Jindera substation.

Outlines of the project and preliminary environmental assessments have been prepared and will be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, marking the first phase of the development process. Environmental Impact Statements for the projects are expected to be on public exhibition before the end of the year.

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