25MW/52MWh battery storage planned to be constructed alongside 278 MW Lake Bonney wind farm

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Infigen has planned to construct a new 25MW/52MWh energy storage alongside 278 MW Lake Bonney wind farm, which encompasses 112 wind turbines near Mount Gambier, and will be connected to the neighbouring substation. The $38 million battery will be built with $5 million each from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the South Australian Government. The new project will use Tesla technology and will be underway on site during September 2018, expected to be completed by the following year.

The storage will be completed in two stages – the first 33MWh of storage is due to be installed by March 2019, with the final power packs to be in place and operational by May. Battery storage is already making South Australia’s energy supply more secure and stable, and co-locating it with a wind farm makes a lot of economic sense as key infrastructure is already in place, ARENA Chief Executive Officer Ivor Frischknecht said.

The 278 MW wind farm consists of 112 wind turbine supplied by Vestas Wind Systems. The wind farm is installed in three stages of which the last stage went online in 2010.

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