State Farm signs PPA with Constellation for 50 MW of solar power

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State Farm has signed a 50 MW agreement with Constellation to buy zero-emission, renewable energy for its headquarters, operations center, and other sites in Bloomington, Illinois, USA.

State Farm will receive energy and RECs from Swift Current Energy's 593 MW Double Black Diamond Solar Project in downstate Illinois for 12 years starting in January 2025. Constellation and Swift Current Energy have a long-term agreement to buy some of Double Black Diamond's energy and RECs. The solar project is anticipated to begin construction by the end of 2022 and be completed by the end of 2024.

Eight State Farm facilities in Bloomington will purchase 103,000 MWh of energy from Double Black Diamond, reducing the company's carbon impact by about 74,000 metric tons. This represents the annual emissions of roughly 16,000 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles.

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