Rwanda launches construction of the 1st phase of Nyabarongo II Multipurpose Development Project

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The Government of Rwanda has started the construction of a 43.5 MW power plant that will help the country achieve universal access to electricity by 2024.

The Nyabarongo II Hydropower Plant, funded by China through the Chinese Export-Import Bank concessional credit, is a multifunctional development project located on the Nyabarongo River's mainstream, at the junction of Rwanda's Northern and southern provinces.

The power plant will be the first phase of the Nyabarongo II Multipurpose Development Project, which will include flood control, water supply, and irrigation in addition to energy generation. More plants will be built as part of the project, including a 40 MW Butamwa pump storage power plant, a 40 MW Juru pump storage power plant in Bugesera, and a 10.5 MW Lake Sake Outlet Hydropower plant in Ngoma District.

The plant, which will be built by Sinohydro, will have three 14.5 MW units that will be connected to the national grid. The completion date is scheduled for 2027, with a 56-month timeline.

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