MIBRAG invests EUR100m in 102 MW Breunsdorf wind project in Leipzig

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Mitteldeutsche Braunkohlengesellschaft mbH (MIBRAG) has presented the Breunsdorf wind farm project in the United Schleenhain opencast mine to the city and local councils of Groitzsch and Neukieritzsch (Leipzig district).

The new high-performance wind farm will be built on a total area of ​​275 hectares on the inner dump of the United Schleenhain opencast mine, between Neukieritzsch and Groitzsch. A total of 17 wind turbines of the 6 MW class, which are among the most modern turbine technologies on the market, are planned. The wind farm with a capacity of 102 MW and an annual electricity generation of around 230 GWh is expected to deliver electricity from 2024.

The project has an investment sum of around EUR100 million (US$120.2 million). After the approval has been granted, the first infrastructure measures are to begin at the beginning of 2023.

MIBRAG has already carried out the faunistic investigations required for the immission control approval procedure on the project area.

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