ENGIE Energía Chile acquires wind and hydro assets from Eolica Monte Redondo SpA

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ENGIE Energía Chile (EECL) has announced the purchase of the company Eólica Monte Redondo SpA that owns two new renewable generation assets to its portfolio -  the Monte Redondo Wind Farm and Laja Hydroelectric Power Plant, which were already operated by EECL.

ENGIE Energía Chile (EECL) reported the purchase of the company Eólica Monte Redondo SpA, thus adding to its generation assets the Monte Redondo Wind Farm (48 MW) and Laja Hydroelectric Power Plant (34.4 MW), which were already operated by EECL.

The Monte Redondo Wind Farm (48 MW) is located in the Coquimbo region, 43 km from Ovalle. It has 24 wind turbines and began its commercial operation in January 2010. Meanwhile, the Laja Hydroelectric Power Plant (34.4 MW) is located in the Biobío region, 60 km from the city of Los Angeles, and began its commercial operation in 2015. It has a 14 Mm3 storage capacity, a 26m high dam with 5 radial dump gates, and 2 gantry cranes.


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