EDF, Ibereolica completes the 60 MW expansion of the Cabo Leones I wind project in Freirina

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EDF Renewables and Ibereólica Renovables have announced the entry into commercial operation of the park extension Cabo Leones I wind farm in Chile, after receiving authorization from the National Electrical Coordinator.

The project, located in Freirina, Atacama Region, features 12 new 5 MW SG-145 wind turbines with a capacity of 60 MW, reaching a total installed capacity of 175.5 MW of clean and renewable energy. The Cabo Leones I is capable to generate of more than 500 GWh per year into the National Electric System, through the Maitencillo electrical substation. It is expected to generate enough energy to supply the needs of more than 150,000 homes and prevent the emission of 275,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The extension of the Cabo Leones I wind farm began in August 2020 and since then has allowed the region to generate more renewable and clean energy.

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