Deutsche Telekom orders 60 MWh storage systems from INTILION

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INTILION has received its largest order to date from PASM Power and Air Condition Solution Management GmbH, a fully owned subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom. The energy storage facilities with a total capacity of approximately 60 MWh will be installed across various Telekom locations, with commissioning planned to take place by the end of 2023. The order reflects the growing importance of renewable energy and energy storage systems as the world transitions to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.

The INTILION | scalecube large-scale storage units will be used at three locations for frequency balancing and balancing services. The installation will be front-of-the-meter, with energy storage systems with a capacity of approximately 26 MWh to be installed at each of the two locations in Hanover and Bamberg, and a further 6 MWh at the Münster location. Trial operations are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2023 and will transition to regular operations by the end of the year.

With the rise of digitalization, there is an increasing demand for data centers, and energy storage systems play a crucial role in increasing the share of renewable energies for electricity consumption, furthering the transformation to "green data centers". As the market for energy storage systems continues to grow, this order marks an achievement for the industry as a whole.

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