Construction completed for 519 MW Onshore Wind Complex in Brazil

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Construction completed for 519 MW Onshore Wind Complex in Brazil

Statkraft has inaugurated the 519 MW Ventos de Santa Eugênia Wind Complex in Bahia, Brazil. 

The facility consists of 14 wind farms, with 91 units of the N163/5.X turbines, delivered in an optimised operating mode of 5.7 MW for installation on locally-made, 120-meter (393.7 ft) concrete towers. Located in Uibaí and Ibipeba, in the Bahia region, the wind complex spans a comprehensive area of ​​489 hectares. It can generate 2,300 GWh per year, enough to supply 1.17 million Brazilian households.

Construction of the Ventos de Santa Eugênia hybrid solar farm will start later this year. Using battery technology, the energy complex will have a combined capacity of 682 MW. Operations are planned in 2025.  

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