Argentina launches tender for Rio Diamante-Charlone transmission line PPP Project

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The Secretary of Energy Government of the Ministry of Finance of Argentina has announced calling for bids for the construction of the Rio Diamante-Charlone transmission line under the regime of Public Private Participation.

In the previous round of the consultation period held at the end of 2018, more than 50 stakeholders participated in the published pre-bid documents. The terms provide for 3 months for the preparation of bids and the award for early July. 

The contract will last 15 years and is divided into two stages: a) construction, which ends with the commercial authorization of the work) and its subsequent operation and maintenance.

The purpose of the project is the construction, operation and maintenance of the High Voltage Line at 500 kV ET Río Diamante - ET Coronel Charlone - and complementary works.

The 5 (five) 132 kV subtransmission lines that will link the new transformer station with the provincial subtransmission systems are:
- LAT 132 kV, simple terna, to the locality of Gral. Villegas in the Buenos Aires province.
- LAT 132 kV, double tern, to the town of Rufino in the province of Santa Fe.
- LAT 132 kV, simple terna, to the town of Realicó in the province of La Pampa.
- LAT 132 kV simple terna, to the town of Gral. Pico in the province of La Pampa.
- LAT 132 kV, simple terna, to the town of Laboulaye in the province of Córdoba.

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