ACCIONA starts construction of 238 MWp Malgarida solar PV complex in Atacama desert

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ACCIONA has begun the construction of the Malgarida I and II photovoltaic projects, with a combined capacity of 238 MWp, located in Atacama desert, Chile.

The 238 MWp Malgarida solar PV complex will require a US$170 million investment and is scheduled to be operational by the end of 2021. It is expected to reach an annual generation of 654 GWh, equivalent to the electricity demand of 280,000 homes, and avoid 512,000 tons of CO2 emissions each year.

The Malgarida solar PV complex consists of 580,000 modules, which will be set upon horizontal trackers across an area of 535 hectares. The project will create 700 jobs at the peak of its construction.

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