Danish Energy Agency approves plan for 800 MW Offshore wind farm in Denmark

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Danish Energy Agency approves plan for 800 MW Offshore wind farm in Denmark

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) approved plans for Thor Offshore Wind Farm based on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Offshore Wind Farm and the public consultation. It concludes that the Plan for Thor can be realized in the dedicated site west of Thorsminde, and without significant impacts to the environment.

At the same time, the Danish Energy Agency has narrowed down the site for the wind farm from 440 km2 to 286 km2 as a result of the site investigations. The process of narrowing down the site has taken into account a number of factors, including visual impact, cumulative visual aspects, birds, stone reefs, raw materials, fishing interest and safety of navigation.

Pursuant to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the Danish Energy Agency has prepared astatement summarizing how environmental considerations have been integrated into the Plan for Thor Offshore Wind Farm. The EIA with public consultations must be carried out by the future concession owner, and will, together with the associated license for construction, constitute the final step in the overall environmental approval of Thor.

The wind farm will have a capacity of min. 800 MW and max. 1.000 MW, and will be connected to the grid between the years 2025 and 2027. The Danish Energy Agency will conclude the tendering process with final bids in the fourth quarter of 2021.

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