Vestas develops wind energy solution for 50 MW intertidal offshore wind project in Bac Liêu Province

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Vestas has developed a customized solution for a 50 MW intertidal project in Bạc Liêu Province, Vietnam for the local EPC construction company Bac Phuong JSC. The intertidal project site is covered in water at high tide and some of the turbines will be uncovered at low tide.

Vestas will supervise the installation of the turbines in shallow waters close to shore in the Mekong Delta region to exploit the full potential of the region’s favorable wind conditions. The project includes a combination of V150-4.2 MW turbines in different power ratings with site-specific towers placed on reinforced onshore foundations that are raised above sea level.

The contract includes the supply and supervision of the installation of 13 V150-4.2 MW wind turbines with ten turbines delivered in 3.8 MW and three turbines delivered in 4.0 MW operating modes to boost energy production for the site’s specific wind conditions. Each turbine will be equipped with a full-scale converter, enhancing the wind park’s compliance with grid requirements.

The project also includes a 10-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement, designed to maximize energy production for the project. Turbine installation is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2021.

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