Vattenfall receives planning approval for 20 MW Solar@Kentish Flats project in Kent

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Vattenfall has been granted planning consent by Canterbury City Council for 20 MW Solar@Kentish Flats project located in 20 MW Solar@Kentish Flats project, United Kingdom.

The 20MW solar array is expected to produce approximately 20,000 MWh/year, enough electricity to power the equivalent of about 5,000 homes annually. Construction will take around 4 months and is anticipated to commence later this year.

The solar farm will share the existing grid connection and onshore infrastructure already used by Kentish Flats and Kentish Flats Extension Offshore Wind Farms.

Co-locating the grid connection will reduce the area of works and shorten the construction period. Wind and solar energy complement one another well. When wind output is lower in the summer, solar output increases, whereas higher levels of wind generation compensate for lower solar volumes during the winter. This allows co-located sites to offer a more reliable source of renewable energy to meet network demand in varying conditions.

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