Three FirstEnergy Pennsylvania utilities launch RfP for solar energy credits

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FirstEnergy Corp. is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to purchase 137,000 Solar Photovoltaic Alternative Energy Credits (SPAECs) annually over a two-year period on behalf of three FirstEnergy Pennsylvania utilities – Pennsylvania Power Company (Penn Power), Pennsylvania Electric Company (Penelec), and Metropolitan Edison Company (Met-Ed).

The RFP process will be conducted by The Brattle Group and will take place in January and February, with qualifying applications due by February 9, 2021, and bids due by March 3, 2021.

Bidders in this RFP can offer to sell tranches of SPAECs, where each tranche represents a commitment to sell 500 SPAECs annually over a two-year period with deliveries beginning in 2021. Based on the RFP results, FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania utilities will enter into a separate agreement(s) with winning suppliers to purchase the necessary quantities of SPAECs.

The tender document can be accessed on our business opportunity page here

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