Quadran allocated 65 MW solar capacity in France

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Quadran has announced that is one of the main winners of the CRE4 tender, conducted by the French government's Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition of France, having been awarded ten projects with a cumulative generation capacity of more than 65 MW.

Among the ten projects is the Pont-sur-Sambre solar project, which has a capacity of 4.9 MW. The solar power plant will be installed on the industrial wasteland of a former coal-fired power station owned by EDF. It will generate the equivalent electricity consumption of 4,480 inhabitants and save 1,757 tons of CO2 per year. Its commissioning is scheduled for 2020.

This project illustrates the opportunity for communities to convert old industrial sites to support the energy transition.

The largest project that Quadran has won is the 29.9 MW Métairie ​project. Located in Loiret, north-central France, Quadran intends to establish bee-keeping and sheep farming on site, and create an educational zone to educate the young public about the environmental benefits of renewable energies and bee-keeping.

Once built, all ten plants will produce more than 77 GWh annually, which is sufficient to supply 28,500 homes.

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