Puerto Rico launches RFQ for new generation facility in Palo Seco

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The Puerto Rico Public-Private Partnerships Authority, in collaboration with Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) has launched a request for qualifications (RFQ) from companies and consortia interested in providing generation capacity to replace existing generation through a new facility (the "Generation Facility") to be located in northern Puerto Rico at a location on the grounds of or adjacent to the existing Palo Seco power plant, pursuant to a long-term public-private partnership contract.

The selected Private Partner will hold all rights and responsibilities related to the designing, permitting, financing, construction, installation, management, operation and maintenance of the Generation Facility. In addition to the provision of power supplied to PREPA in accordance with the terms of the PPP Contract, the Private Partner’s rights and responsibilities are expected to include, among other things:

  • design, construction, and installation of the Generation Facility according to the specified specifications;
  • design, construction, and installation of all equipment and facilities necessary to interconnect the Generation Facility to Palo Seco’s 115kV gas insulated substation, including all metering equipment, transmission lines, and associated equipment, relay and switching equipment, and protective devices and safety equipment to be installed;
  • installation of any necessary balance of plant (“BOP”) equipment according to the specifications;
  • provision, storage and inventory maintenance of any necessary spare and consumable parts for the Generation Facility, Interconnection Facilities, and BOP equipment;
  • procurement and management of water or other energy or power supply for the Generation Facility, if applicable;
  • procurement of fuel, including natural gas and diesel (including storage capacity), if applicable, or alternatively PREPA or the T&D Operator provides for the procurement of fuel;
  • synchronizing the Generation Facility to the current electrical system, provide automatic load-following services;
  • applying for and obtaining all construction and operation permits, or modifying current site permits, as applicable, with PREPA’s assistance if necessary;
  • the day-to-day operation of the Generation Facility, including starting, load variations, active follow-up of operating parameters and alarms, and shut-down of the Generation Facility or parts thereof;
  • performing routine and emergency maintenance, repair, and replacement of equipment, including any BOP equipment;
  • outage management and restoration;
  • coordination of emergency planning and storm restoration and recovery;
  • liaising with PREPA, the T&D Operator, any operator of PREPA facilities connected to the Generation Facility or any of their assignees or successors regarding dispatch and related T&D matters; and
  • interfacing with regulators, including with respect to environmental, OSHA and NERC CIP compliance as may be required.

The deadline for the submission of the qualification documents is on September 6, 2019. 

Tender documents can be accessed here

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