PPA signed to purchase entire output of 380 MWp Aldoga Solar Farm in Australia

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Stanwell has signed a 15-year, 380 MWp power purchase agreement (PPA) with Acciona Energia to purchase the entire output of the Aldoga Solar Farm, which is being developed about 20 km northwest of Gladstone, Australia.

The generated energy will fuel the Central Queensland Hydrogen Hub (CQ-H2), currently under construction near the solar facility. The solar farm, valued at AUD 500 million (US$313.9 million) and authorized to expand to 600 MWp, is slated for construction commencement in the upcoming months. Acciona has affirmed that it will be finalized before the conclusion of 2025.

Stanwell is collaborating with Australian and Japanese energy firms in a consortium to create the CQ-H2 project. Initially, the project will focus on installing up to 640 MW of electrolyzers to generate green hydrogen for both domestic consumption and exports, starting in 2028. There are plans to scale up the project to exceed 3 GW of electrolysis capacity eventually.

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