Peru launches public tender for three transmission line projects

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ProInversión calls for an international public tender for the concession of three electricity transmission projects that will benefit the population of the regions of Tumbes, Piura, Huánuco, and Ucayali.

These are the 500 kV La Niña - Piura, Substations, Lines and Associated Expansions; 220 kV Pariñas Link - New Tumbes, Substations and Associated Expansions; and 220 kV Tingo María - Aguaytía, Substations, Lines and Associated Expansions.

The concession will be granted under the modality of Integral Projects Contest to the bidder that offers the lowest Total Service Cost, in accordance with the provisions of the Bidding Terms, in order to design, finance, build, operate and maintain the aforementioned projects. The term of the concession of each contract will be 30 years. At the end of the term, the Projects will be transferred to the Peruvian State.

The awardee will have access to the facilities granted by Peruvian law to new infrastructure concessions, such as legal stability agreements, early return of the VAT, among others.

The amount of Engineering, Supply, and Construction contract of the projects is estimated at US$178.75 million.

Together, the three projects require an approximate investment of US$208 million and are expected to be awarded in the second half of 2019.

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