Northern Territory government approves 25 MW solar project proposed by Epuron and Island Green Power

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Epuron has announced that the Northern Territory government has approved the 25 MW solar photovoltaic electricity plant to be developed near Katherine. The company is jointly developing the project with Island Green Power.

The Northern Territory government has also consented to government-owned electricity retailer Jacana Energy entering into a long term power purchase agreement (PPA) for the project.

The PPA between Jacana Energy and Katherine Solar Pty Ltd will enable the construction of the AUD40 million (US$28.3 million) project, which will be the largest renewable energy generator in the Northern Territory, which spans central-northern Australia.

This project supports the government's recently announced electricity market reforms to deliver lower cost and reliable power, and meet the government’s target of its 50% renewables share by 2030.

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