Neoen signed contract for 200 MW / 400 MWh Battery Energy storage System in Australia

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Neoen signed contract for 200 MW / 400 MWh Battery Energy storage System in Australia

Neoen has signed a 10-year virtual battery contract with AGL Energy for 200 MW/400 MWh in Australia’s southwest Queensland region.

This service will be underpinned by Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Neoen’s Western Downs Battery, both sized equally at 270 MW / 540 MWh. Following the execution of this new contract, Neoen has provided notices to proceed to battery storage supplier Tesla and to balance plant contractor UGL (a member of the CIMIC Group), signaling the start of construction for Stage 2 of Western Downs Battery. This new project will consist of 140 Tesla Megapack 2XL units and is expected to start operations in 2026. It will connect to Powerlink’s nearby Western Downs substation and leverage the existing infrastructure of Neoen’s Western Downs Green Power Hub. The site currently includes Neoen’s 460 MWp operating solar farm and the Stage 1 battery, which is currently under construction and on track to start operating in the Australian summer of 2024/25.

With a total combined capacity of 540 MW / 1,080 MWh, Western Downs Battery will be equipped with grid-forming capability and provide critical grid-reliability and frequency services as well as firming for renewables, supporting the modernization of Queensland’s electricity network.

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