Malta Iberia wins project development agreement for 100 MW Sun2Store facility in Spain

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The European Union and the European Investment Bank have awarded Malta Iberia Pumped Heat Electricity Storage S.L.U. (Malta Iberia), a European affiliate of Malta Inc., with a Project Development Assistance Agreement for the 100 MW energy storage project in Spain.

Malta Iberia was selected by the European Innovation Fund for its Sun2Store project. The facility will provide 100 MW of thermal energy storage at a ten-hour duration, producing 1,000MWh of energy. The storage solution combines pumped heat technology with molten salt. Malta Iberia is partnering with Alfa Laval on the heat exchangers and Siemens Energy on the project’s turbomachinery.

The agreement will provide Malta Iberia with technical assistance from the European Investment Bank and will include an independent technology assessment to verify key technical parameters of the storage facility. 

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